My Lazy Note

2 min readJun 5, 2024


I Just typed a Lazy meme and this is what I’ve got on Pinterest

I challenged myself to keep writing until the end of the year and I will keep writing something at least 100 words per day. At this point, I was too lazy to think of anything. Yes, I had an Idea but let me just rest away from writing something deep or meaningful.

For a week I have poured my emotions and it exhausts me. I don’t know why you’re still here reading my bullshit, because I literally told you to not read this unless you’re Mr. Medium Engineer. Is it not like I’m trying to use a psychology reverse on you right now, or did I? The most important thing you’re here now or perhaps you want to get to know each other?

Hello, I’m Jasmine and I love humor.

Did I describe myself well? My brain is not braining right now but automatically I’m still trying to type anything. Literally Anything. But really, I just want to save your time from a long, nonsense introduction of myself.

I will start by telling a story about my journey on this app, I started this account 2 years ago yet I’m still stuck with 33 followers and 2 claps, maybe because I’m too dumb to understand the algorithm. But despite that, I can tell that sometimes this app sucks.

I’m still getting confused with the button on how to see my drafts on the Medium website or even on the mobile app version. I know, my Gen Z title will be ashamed of me right now. But still, is not my fault that the button is hidden somewhere, maybe it will be a lot easier if it’s more visible? (I swear I’m not annoying Gen Z)

You know sometimes the notifications don’t appear too, I’m not talking about how dusty my account is (well it is, I only have 33 followers) but come on, they’re so delayed. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s experiencing it, so I hope Mr. Medium Engineer reads this note and can fix that problem too.

Ps: Don’t ban me because I’m your loyal servant here(I have proof)

And that’s it for today don’t forget to like comment and subscribe to my nonexistent channel, and by the way do you like avocado juice?

